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Welcome to the FAQ page! Here are questions you may or may not ask. If you don't find an answer here or are unclear on anything, shoot us an email! We're happy to help.


What is Twisted Thoughts of a Deranged Man?


Twisted Thoughts of a Deranged Man is all about that stuff you secretly love. Here we have dark art, gore and anything serial killer related. We love all things twisted and bloody. You will occasionaly come across nudity but that shouldn't happen too often.


But I don't want to see naked bodies!


Well there are plenty of people that do not mind seeing the occasional nipple. If you have a problem, buh-bye.


I think you have something of mine on your website..


Do we? Apologies! Send us an email at and we will be happy to credit you :)


I really like Mike Jakubac's artwork! Is it for sale?!


Yes it is! If you are interested in purchasing any of Mike's art, please send us an email at :).


I still have more questions..


No problem! Head on over to our 'Contact Us' page and send us an email! We'll answer any questions you have.


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