Harry Powers
Harry Powers Paunchy, middle-aged vacuum cleaner salesman Harry Powers used a fake name to make contact with a string of widows,...
The Florida Sex Beast
By definition, serial killers are loathsome folks, but Gerard John Schaefer was just downright despicable. As a boy, Schaefer’s hobbies...
Tamam Shud
In December 1948 an unidentified man was found dead on Somerton beach in Adelaide, Australia. Early attempts to identify him failed;...
Beaumont Children
It was 1966, a gorgeous Australia Day in the suburbs of Adelaide, when nine-year-old Jane Beaumont and her siblings, seven-year-old Arnna...
Tara Leigh Calico
On September 20, 1988, Calico left her home at about 9:30 in the morning to go on her customary bike ride. She told her mother, Patty...